Mike and I spotted this billboard on I-35, just south of Waco, as we were driving to Austin on Sunday. We stopped to take a pic of it on our way back on Monday night, and we weren't the only ones who did.
A young friend found it funny but I find it disturbing.
I've quit trying to figure out what is funny, what is disgusting, what is SO Wrong or Partly Right...when it comes to politics, cause give it a minute(or sometimes a year) and it changes.
My friends who dumped Hillary & fell in love with Obama now wish Hillary was president.
Regardless of what I think of Obama..it is DAMN HARD to be president.
most of these guys wouldn't know a socialist if they fell over one. It really gets interesting when someone equates leftist Marxist socialism with National Socialism (nazi's). They ain't the same thing.
Mary, I agree that it's got to be damned hard to be the president, and Jackie, you're absolutely right; my problem with this billboard is that, given the photo they've chosen, I get such a feeling of hatred behind this. I know that's subjective, and I'd love to be wrong, but I worry I'm not.
Hatred works. Lisa posted this quote on one of my other entries. Especially in light of Glenn Beck's rally the other day.
"I like your Christ. I do not like your Christians. Your Christians are so unlike your Christ." the Mahatma.
Are you depressed. I'm depressed.
I guess maybe I am depressed, because I find I'm so ANGRY all the time, and I hate feeling angry...it's really not my nature. But that irritability, at any little thing...that's really a manifestation of depression. Did you see Lewis CK's Everything's Amazing and Nobody's Happy? I love that...shoot, I'll post it. It's terrific.
The country has gone crazy. This is manifested most obviously during election time. I can no longer participate in the madness. I vote when the time comes, but other than that, I just have to tune the whole mess out.
Pastors of dinky-ass little congregations in Florida getting international press coverage of a plan to burn Korans on September 11th... Assholes in Texas paying to post billboards like the above, and other assholes taking their money to allow them to do so...
This country is completely toxic and I wouldn't blame the Almighty if It sent a giant asteroid our way.
I agree, Lisa.
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