Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Flicker (as opposed to "Flickr")

Pressing on towards Valentine's Day, I probably won't have enough time or residual wits about me to do much more than post a picture or two...and that, only if I somehow have the incredible luck for my inspiration to correspond with a spare moment to run for the camera and click off a few shots...

That said, here's a flicker in my back yard feeder.

I thought it was amusing that he was planted in the middle of this little feeder that I normally use to attract chickadees and other small birds.

This guy is definitely not a chickadee. Or small. In fact, he pretty much takes up the whole feeder all by himself.

I've never seen a flicker in my feeders before, though I've seen them pecking around on the grounds underneath. Looks like my wild bird seed with suet nuggets found a fan...



cw2smom said...

Great shot Lisa! Lovely bird! Lucky you! I miss my Tn birdfeeder! We just don't have the variety of birds here in almost Southern California and it's so fun to sit and watch them in Tn! Blessings, Lisa

Kathy said...

Beautiful shot Lisa. I've not seen a flicker in my back yard ... but I wouldn't mind. Handsome bird!

Good luck with the Valentine Rush. I know you'll be busy.

emmapeelDallas said...

Now that is real beauty; both the shot and the bird!