Dirty Hands And Happy Heart
Hey, where is everyone? I hope that where everyone is, as often as possible, out in the spring sunshine (sometimes rain) grubbing in the earth. I know Jackie and Judi are, from their Facebook comments, and I certainly know I am. Just spent a wonderful couple of hours in the backyard working on a new herb bed. The soil in this yard is execrable, hardly worthy of the name "soil" at all. So doing anything involves a lot of hacking and digging, and a lot of amending with compost. So, that's mostly what I've been doing. Some nepeta is already growing there, a plant that cannot be discouraged. I began my new planting with a big clump of Mexican oregano that I've had in a pot since last summer. Because of above-mentioned soil wretchedness, much of my gardening since we moved in here has been done in planters and pots. With this herb bed I'm hoping to finally get somethings growing in the ground. As I turn locations into growable places.
So, my hands are scratched and dirty and I'm hungry as a bear. Time to clean up and figure out some lunch. A big storm may be blowing in (what? Again?) from California later in the week, and some more rain would be a delicious serving of lagniappe. Different of course from a delicious serving of lasagna, which I think I am making for dinner tonight.
In the thirty seconds of nice weather we had last weekend, I managed to get a teensy bit of weeding done and a little bit of clean-up. So I don't know when I'm ever going to get anything actually DONE outside...
Our soil has a lot of clay in it. We've learned to dig very large holes and put lots of good stuff in them. It's slowly getting better, but we learn plant by plant. Today it's been rain, rain, rain. May flowers, here we come. Fingers tightly crossed. :-)
I'm planting some pots with herbs for my kitchen counter in my condo. I'd like to do some lettuce greens in pots as well and see if I can't at least have myself a little indoor salad garden.
I love the low maintenance of my condo, especially since I have physical disability issues, but I miss having a garden.
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